2023 Year in Review
This year has been a whirlwind, and we are grateful for everyone who makes our work so fulfilling - from our amazing team at Ingui Architecture, to the talented engineers, builders, and consultants we work with, to our clients who make it all possible.
We'd like to share some of the highlights of our year:
Our Boerum Hill Retrofit in Brownstoner
We started the year celebrating our Boerum Hill Townhouse's feature in Brownstoner's The Insider, written by Cara Greenberg.
Michael Ingui and Amy Failla spoke about the house's transformation, from a partially complete multifamily house to a lively, informal home for a family of five. Thanks to everyone who made the project a success, including Kleen Construction and our amazing clients!
Our Boerum Hill Retrofit in Brownstoner
Photography: Adam Kane Macchia
Asia Art Archive in America Won a Lucy G. Moses Preservation Award
The project, spearheaded by Ben Baxt, involved the adaptive reuse of a historic carriage house into the US hub for Asia Art Archive, which facilitates public understanding and specialized research, instigates dialogue and critical thinking, and seeks to raise awareness of and support for the activities of Asia Art Archive in Hong Kong. Thanks to Asia Art Archive and Dynamic Reconstruction, who made the project possible, and the NYC Landmarks Conservancy.
Asia Art Archive in America Receives Lucy G. Moses Award
Photography: Peter Peirce
Highland Passive House Broke Ground

Our exciting Passive Warehouse project with Cathy Hobbs and Baxter Built, a NYSERDA Carbon Neutral Economic Development grant recipient, broke ground in March. We were excited to join the official groundbreaking ceremony.
In July, the Passive House Accelerator wrote a feature on the project.
Ground Breaking Ceremony for Highland Passive House
Putting the Pieces Together in Highland - Passive House Accelerator
Architizer Articles about Design and Passive House

Architizer invited Michael Ingui to write a series of articles designed to help architects get started with their own Passive House projects.
The articles discuss how passive house expands design possibilities, how the array of high-performance building materials available is a win for architecture, and how to kick-off your first passive house project.
An Architect's Guide to Designing Your First Passive House
Photography: Mike Tauber
Our Carroll Gardens Passive House in the New York Times

Stephen Wallis highlighted our Carroll Gardens Passive House as part of the New York Times' Design: A Special Section about making the environment a creative partner in the design of beautiful homes.
Thanks to those who made this gorgeous project possible, including SMR Craftworks, BIA Interiors, and our clients. Check out the article for their perspective on living in a passive house!
An Aggressive Passive Push for a Brooklyn Brownstone
Photography: Adam Kane Macchia
Cobble Hill Passive House on Metropolis's Natural Habitats
We loved sitting down with Metropolis inside our Cobble Hill Passive House. Their Natural Habitat project highlights the best of high-performance designs and buildings.
The project is a blend of high-quality design, cutting edge technology, and passive house construction, made possible by Kleen Construction, BIA Interiors, Brooklyn Solarworks, and the homeowners.
Natural Habitats - Metropolis Magazine
Photography: Metropolis
Ingui Architecture
Lastly, we got a new name!
The name change reflects that our founder, Ben Baxt, no longer has an ownership stake in the company, but plans to actively practice at our firm for many years to come.
To mark the occasion, we revamped our website. Take a look around to learn more about the exciting work we've done for the past 45+ years!